Man always thirsts for possession of objects, wife and
cattle. This surely makes him selfish. Selfishness causes attachment. Wherever
there is attachment, there are “Ahamta” and “Mamata.” The whole misery starts
here. The whole Maya Chakra begins to revolve from now. Man becomes a slave
now. Strong iron chains are fastened to his hands, legs and knees. He is
entangled like the spider or the silk-worm. This is his own self-created web
for his own destruction. Sit for a moment alone in a quiet room. Enquire.
Cogitate. Investigate. Happiness is a mental state. It does not depend upon
money or possessions. You actually see very rich people are very miserable,
while a poor clerk is very happy, and a Sadhu with a loin-cloth only dancing in
divine ecstasy.
Enjoyment cannot bring satisfaction of desire. On the
contrary, it aggravates and intensifies desires and makes the mind more
restless through sense hankering or Trishna just as the pouring of ghee or oil
aggravates fire. The fewer the wants, the greater the happiness. Milk gives
pleasure to some and pain to some others. The fourth cup of milk brings
retching or nausea. It does not give pleasure during fever. Therefore pleasure
is not in the objects but it is in the imagination or inclination of the mind.
Mango is not sweet but the imagination is sweet. Woman is not beautiful but the
imagination is beautiful. An ugly woman appears very beautiful to her husband
because his imagination is beautiful. There is a grain of pleasure in objects,
but the pain that mixed with it is of the size of a mountain.