The Five Sheaths - Explained in detail

Disciple: What is Annamaya Kosha?
Guru: Annamaya Kosha is food-sheath. It is the gross body made up of the five gross elements.

Disciple: Why is it called Annamaya Kosha?
Guru: It is called Annamaya Kosha, because it lives on account of food, it is made up of the essence of food, and, finally, it returns to food (earth or matter).

Disciple: What is Pranamaya Kosha?
Guru: Pranamaya Kosha is the vital sheath.

Disciple: What is Manomaya Kosha?
Guru: Manomaya Kosha is the mind-sheath.

Disciple: What does the mind-sheath consist of?
Guru: The mind-sheath consists of the mind (Manas), the subconscious (Chitta) and the five Jnanendriyas or the sense-organs of knowledge.

Disciple: What is Vijnanamaya Kosha?
Guru: It is the intellectual sheath.

Disciple: What does the intellectual sheath consist of?
Guru: It consists of the intellectual and the ego working with the help of the five Jnanendriyas or the sense-organs of knowledge.

Disciple: What is Anandamaya Kosha?
Guru: It is the bliss-sheath.

Disciple: Why is it called Anandamaya Kosha?
Guru: Because through it the Jiva or the individual soul experiences bliss during deep sleep and at the time of experiencing the effect of a Sattvic deed.

Disciple: What does the bliss-sheath consist of?
Guru: It is a modification of Prakriti and consists of the Vrittis called Priya, Moda and Pramoda.

- Guruji Swami Sivananda