Observable Universe - A small understanding

In terms of Advaita Vedanta, 

The Universe, we often refer to, is simply termed as "Jagad". 

There are three types of Realities as per Advaita Vedanta:

  1. Paramaatmika Satyam (Absolute Reality) - Brahman
  2. Vyavahaarika Satyam (Empirical Reality) - Universe / Jagad
  3. Pratibhaasika Satyam (Subjective Reality) - that which is untrue

The below video helps to understand just the Empirical Reality, which is relatively short-lived compared to Absolute Reality. However, notice, how mystifying it is.. even this Empirical Reality. What can we say about the Absolute reality then? One word : Absolutely Incomprehensible to the Human mind!