
What is Moksha?

Three Avasthas

What is Avidya or Ignorance?

Five Sheaths and the Atman

Three Bodies, Five Sheaths, Three Gunas, Ten Indriyas, Three Saktis

Pranas Explained

The Five Sheaths - Explained in detail

Five Sheaths in the Three Bodies

The Causal Body - An understanding

The Subtle Body - An understanding

The Gross or Physical Body - An understanding

Three types of Human Body - An Introduction

Is the Brain really necessary?

You are not your Brain - A Little understanding

You are not your Body - A Little understanding

Four basic principles of Advaita Vedanta

Ageing - An understanding

Snake and Rope - A little understanding

Vedanta is for all who love and believe it - Story of Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja

Mandukya Upanishad and AUM Mantra - Part 4

Mandukya Upanishad and AUM Mantra - Part 3

Mandukya Upanishad and AUM Mantra - Part 2

Mandukya Upanishad and AUM Mantra - Part 1

What is Sat-Chit-Ananda?

Introduction to Brahman - Part 7

Introduction to Brahman - Part 6

Introduction to Brahman - Part 5

Introduction to Brahman - Part 4

Introduction to Brahman - Part 3

Introduction to Brahman - Part 2